St. Anne's Episcopal Church

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Clergy Epistle

Dear Friends in Christ,

I write to share some important news with you.

First, our cemetery will “break ground” on the Garden of Peace and Remembrance at St. Anne’s Cemetery on Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. In partnership with Nature Sacred, we are pleased to announce that we are initiating a project to create a spiritual oasis for reflection and meditation in our cemetery. This project has been spearheaded by the Cemetery Committee. There are truly no words to describe the labor of love and vision undertaken by our Cemetery Committee Co-Chairs, Linda Adamson and Ginger DeLuca, along with the entire Cemetery Committee and Cemetery Steward team. To read more about this project, please visit Nature Sacred’s Website and the Ministry Blog.

Second, The Rev. Dr. Olivia Hilton has accepted a “profound call to serve in her home diocese, The Diocese of Washington, as well as an expanded future ministry in the Diocese of Hawai’i.” Her transition from St. Anne’s will allow her to focus on where her heart for ministry has been—Washington and Hawai’i. We are deeply grateful for Mother Olivia’s presence with us over the past few years, commuting from Washington, D.C., and navigating Beltway traffic to be with us as we navigated the transition from the pandemic. We will honor and celebrate Mother Olivia’s time with us, in true liturgical fashion, on September 22, 2024, at the 10:00 a.m. service.

Third, our Vestry has accomplished significant ministry over the past few months. One accomplishment is the recognition of our need for a third full-time priest. To address this, a search committee has been named and formed, consisting of Hutchey Doley and Dave Strang (co-chairs), Kevin Hays, Townsend McNitt, Katie Creely (members of the Executive Committee), Fr. M. Dion Thompson (Senior Associate), The Rt. Rev. Michael Creighton, Tabitha Kidwell, and Colin Pascal. This committee has overseen the process of calling a third priest to serve as Assistant Rector/Curate. The Curate position is term-limited, lasting up to three years, and is designed to provide exposure to various aspects of parish ministry. With much prayer, the committee has narrowed down the field, and we hope to introduce the individual whom God is calling to join us very soon.

Looking to the future, our focus is on building our community together. We do this through the stewardship of the blessed grounds and sanctuary that we have been endowed with and by deepening our connection with each other. Let us cultivate a culture of prayerful growth by stewarding our resources, strengthening our inter-generational connections, and deepening our commitment to prayerful and beautiful liturgical ministry.

In Christ’s peace,
