Adult Forum/Bible Challenge

Our study sessions will be on Sundays between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM in the Parish Hall. The guest speakers will give a presentation of 30 to 45 minutes, followed by a time for questions and answers. To join in the study, please email Nancy Bayers at

The Bible Challenge is not just a reading exercise. We are inviting scholars and theologians to join us at various points along the way to share their
insights on passages and themes of interest. And, we will have presentations by many of St. Anne’s ministries to see how God’s grand narrative of
salvation and healing is at work in our daily lives. Our hope is that by reading together and being aided by Christian and non-Christian thinkers,
we will deepen our understanding of the sacred text, challenge our assumptions, find new ways to engage with God's Word and live our faith.

Our study sessions will be on Sundays between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM in the Parish Hall. The guest speakers will give a presentation of 30 to
45 minutes, followed by a time for questions and answers. To join in the study, please email Nancy Bayers at 

Upcoming Schedule:

May 21 - Dr. Katherine Brown -- The World of the Biblical Prophets

May 28 - Open Discussion

June 4  - Tom May: Dante's use of Holy Scripture in the Divine Comedy


Clergy Epistle

