Fellowship & Formation
at St. Anne’s
Life is sweeter shared. Find your group here.
Education for Ministry
Six to eleven students and a trained mentor meet weekly for 2-3 hours throughout the academic year, beginning in September. Through study, prayer and reflection, students move toward a new understanding of the fullness of God’s kingdom. If you are interested in this kind of serious religious study, please contact clergy@stannes-annapolis.org.
Centering Prayer
This ecumenical group serves to balance daily life with silence and grounding Spirit through Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, and shared reflection.
We meet the first 2 Tuesdays for Centering Prayer and a session from Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton, led by Carol Leach. The 3rd Tuesday is Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer led by Lynn Thonnard. We meet from 10 am to 11:15 am at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church at 730 Bestgate Road in Annapolis. Please contact Carol Leach at carollleach@gmail.com for more information.
Adult Forum
Forum provides expert speakers in the fields of theology, bible study, worship and spirituality, and ethics; These topics will generate discussions about the ways in which Christians embody their faith in the world. See Upcoming Events for details.
Rainbow Group
This ministry welcomes the fellowship and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals, their families and allies into parish life and worship at St. Anne’s. We are an active witness to the community outreach and Christian values of St. Anne’s. Organized in 2018, the Rainbow Group continues to receive strong support from all of St. Anne’s clergy, staff, and parishioners, to serve the many LGBTQ+ individuals and families of the Parish.
Pastoral Care Ministry
A Cup of Cold Water helps others by reaching out to those who may be hurting. The team includes clergy, lay leaders, and lay volunteers. If you would like to join A Cup of Cold Water, please email The Rev. Kathy Shahinian at kshahinian@stannes-annapolis.org.
Reconciliation Ministry
St. Anne’s Reconciliation Ministry is part of our parish’s Journey to Becoming Beloved Community. A fundamental calling for the Diocese of Maryland who, “acknowledge that there can be no love without justice, and there can be no justice without some form of repairing an injustice.” Our commitment is grounded in Gospel as we seek to do the transformative work of healing and justice.
Women’s Ministry & Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study is a source of scriptural learning, and provides a community of support, encouragement, and prayer. For more information, contact Judy Guy.
Emmaus seeks to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for listening, responding, and resting in the Spirit. We hope the Emmaus gatherings and programs will hearten prayerful awareness of the sacred and Holy in our every day lives. Emmaus is an open and growing community and welcomes all. For more information, contact: Lori Marchant or Heather Strang.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study is St. Anne’s longest running lay ministry. Dedicated to studying the Bible and the work of Christian theologians. Knowledge of the Bible is not a prerequisite. Encouraged is an open mind and heart, and a suspicion that paying closer attention to how scripture can model your life will put you in a better place. For more information, please email Wayne Adamson or Bob Sherer 410-266-1334.