Our lives are defined by who we are for others.
Friend. Child. Parent. Caregiver. Christian.
We are extremely grateful for your commitment and generosity.
Gratitude is the cornerstone of Christian discipleship. We are grateful that, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” –John 3:16
Our 168 hours a week are precious! We mark our gratitude by marking out 16.8 hours of our weekly time in daily prayer and meditation; experiencing the Real Presence of Jesus on Sundays through sacramental grace, committing to lifelong Christian formation, and engaging in outreach doing so in the life-giving name of our Lord and Savior.Talent
Scripture teaches us that, “every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above.” (James 1:7)We have different gifts. St. Paul wrote, “there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.” (I Corinthians 12:4-6)
You may have the gift of connecting with people; singing and a passion for liturgy; engaging in outreach for meeting people where they are; or administration. God endows you with these gifts and those gifts come with a responsibility to serve.
Won’t you consider offering your talent to God through the work of the church?
Scripture introduces us to the concept of the tithe. We are reminded that “the seed from the ground or the fruit from the tree, are the Lord’s; they are holy to the Lord” and as a mark of our gratitude to God who gives us the ability to generate income, we give our tithe or ten percent of our earthly treasures to God (Leviticus 27:30) Whether you make $1 or $100,000,000, give your tithe joyfully for the work of God’s kingdom.One tangible way to do this is by Pledging to the Church. (Annual Pledge Form)
In addition, we encourage you to remember St. Anne’s in your estate plan. (Planned Giving Link)
In our baptismal instruction, we encourage parents of their Christian duty to make prudent “provision for the well-being of their families” by making a will. In this will, Christians are called to make arrangements “for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if you are able, to leave bequests for religious uses.” (Book of Common Prayer, 1979, p.445)
Live generously as a mark of your gratitude to God! As you receive grace, know that God’s love comes to us not because of our merit, but because God is love. The invitation for us, is to love and live generously.
St. Anne’s uses grants to do good work right here in Annapolis and all over the world. See how our grants have impacted the lives of people near and far. Learn more about how you too can support good work in the world by making a pledge to St. Anne's.
Ways to Give
Pledge payments, occasional offerings, and outreach donations can be made securely through Realm.
Check & Cash
Donations can be given at the church during our Sunday worship services or can be mailed to the Parish House.
Kinds of Giving:
A pledge itself is not a donation, but rather a written estimate of your financial giving for the coming year, the amount you think you can responsibly commit to giving to the church. Our members’ pledged giving provides the largest amount of money every year that we have available to support our church community’s worship, including music, Christian education for all ages, pastoral care, and open doors to the community.
Pledge payments, occasional offerings, or outreach donations to a specific ministry can be made through cash, check or Vanco Services.
If you’d like more information about financial stewardship and pledging, please see more about Pledging below, or speak with a clergy or vestry member. Thank you very much for your financial support for the ministries of St. Anne’s Church!
How will YOUR Legacy be part of the Legacy of St. Anne’s Church?
Incorporating a gift in one’s will or estate plan often allows us to make a gift we could not consider during our lifetimes. Those who worshipped here before us gifted funds to ensure that St. Anne’s would live into the future. Now is our time to make plans to sustain St. Anne’s for generations that come after us.
FAQ’s about Pledging & Stewardship
Stewardship is an expression of gratitude and thankfulness for the blessings of life that come from God. It is love shared and love returned. A life lived in gratitude is a life lived in love.
A pledge is a written estimate of your financial giving for the coming year, the amount you think you can responsibly commit to giving to the church.
Your pledge enables the lay and clergy leadership of St. Anne’s to make decisions about ministry based on predictable revenue. Having an estimate of giving from our members enables us to set a strategic and responsible budget and plan for appropriate staffing and programming. Our members’ pledged giving provides the largest amount of money every year that we have available to support our church community’s worship including music, Christian education for all ages, pastoral care, and open doors to the community.
The money you give toward your pledge is directed to the general operating budget of St. Anne’s Church. Pledged giving provides the largest support available to our church community's worship, including music, Christian education for all ages, pastoral care, and open doors to the community.
The first step is to ask God in prayer: How much am I being called to give? How am I being asked to respond to God’s call to me to discipleship, following Jesus? Giving is a spiritual practice. Some of us decide on the basis of what is needed and ask, how much can I give to meet the needs of our church community? Some of us decide on the basis of believing that all humans have a need to give—generosity is one of the ways we reflect the image of God. As someone made to participate in God’s self-giving love, how much can I give that reflects the blessings I have received? that reflects my gratitude for God’s gifts entrusted to me? Many pledgers begin with an estimated percentage of their incomes, which seems significant and responsible for the year, and later engage in the spiritual discipline of gradually increasing that percentage over time. The biblical standard for giving for God’s work is ten percent, “the tithe,” of your expected assets for the year.
We are sincerely grateful for pledges of all amounts. Every pledge is helpful, and every one is important to St. Anne’s Church. A pledge is an important statement of your commitment as a member of our church community, regardless of the size of the pledge you can make.
We will send you a letter acknowledging your pledge shortly after we receive it. We will also send you a quarterly statement, so that you can stay informed about your pledge payments relative to your pledge.
For questions about the church budget, talk with our treasurer, Susan Thaxton. All vestry meetings are open to our church community and you are also welcome to attend these meetings, in which financial updates are given. For questions about spiritual practices of giving, contact any of our clergy.