Be the change you want to see with St. Anne’s

Outreach Ministry Projects

St. Anne’s offers several outreach projects that are hands-on opportunities to actively care for others in Annapolis and throughout the world. Get involved by volunteering your time and talents or by making a donation.


Light House

We work with the Light House Homeless Prevention Center to help stock the center’s pantry, facilitate food preparation for shelter guests, and in a fund-raising capacity to help meet the financial needs essential to this ministry. All helpers are welcome and appreciated!


Backpack Buddies

A surprising number of children in our community go hungry each week. The Backpack Buddies Program provides many of these children with weekend meals and snacks during the school year. There are several ways to get involved in this all-volunteer program.


Friends of Clay Street

We work together with Stanton Community Center’s Get Smart Club to assist children with their homework and raise awareness to provide new winter coats and boots to Annapolis Elementary School children.


Habitat for Humanity

We work with Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake families through monetary donations and volunteering our time, talent, and labor to help build low-cost homes for families living in substandard or inadequate housing in Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties.

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Partners in Mission in Guatemala

The focus of this mission is health, education and community empowerment in Mayan communities of Guatemala. We support scholarships and education, health and training, infrastructure, and other initiatives, such as wood-burning stoves and latrines.

Naomi’s Village

Naomi’s Village is a children’s home, pre-school, and K-12 academy in Maai Mahiu, Kenya, raising the next generation of Kenyan leaders. Their mission is “to provide all that is necessary for every child we serve, at every age, so that they will grow up to be world-changers.”


Kairos Prison Ministry

Kairos volunteers share a desire to follow Jesus’ admonition of Matthew 25:35, “I was in prison and you visited me.” In addition to being a member of a team that goes into prison, there are other opportunities to serve. You can be a prayer partner, a support volunteer (to help the team going into a prison), or you can write letters to prisoners.


Diocesan Outreach

We provide outreach to the State of Maryland via the Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network (MEPPN). Our Deacon, Kathy Shahinian, is our Diocesan Public Policy Advocate. Deacon Kathy and the Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network (MEPPN) meet with state leaders and advocate for our legislative priorities throughout the annual legislative session.


Winter Relief

The Winter Relief Program, managed by the Arundel House of Hope, provides a homeless shelter during the cold winter months, fresh cooked meals, and a hearty bag lunch. Over 60 churches participate in the program. Volunteer positions include serving as a night monitor, providing meals, helping with laundry, setting up the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall and many more.


Easter Basket Program

The Easter Basket Program provides food and small gifts to local needy families the week before Easter. Parishioners provide non-perishable food for Easter Day, a gift card to a local grocery store to purchase perishables and Easter gifts for children who often have none. Each basket also contains a letter from the Rector and information about St. Anne’s.


Back to School Backpacks Program

The Department of Social Services provides St. Anne’s the names of 125-175 children who have qualified for assistance for school supplies. This ministry ensures that all children at this school begin the new school year equipped to learn and thriveVolunteers are needed to collect and deliver backpacks and to help at sign-up tables after Sunday services.

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Community Health & Education in Rural Africa (CHERA) is a US 501c3 non-profit that is dedicated to supporting vulnerable and orphan children and the operation of a medical clinic in Kasese, Uganda. St. Anne’s has been an outreach partner with CHERA, with parishioners on the CHERA Board and having travelled to Kasese clinic.

The Iron Rosary

The Iron Rosary is the prayer fence surrounding the church yard at the heart and center of downtown Annapolis, serving as a forum for prayer to the local community.  All are welcome to leave prayers to be laminated and hung in a box near the gate closest to main Street.  Seasonal Special projects seed the fence with food for thought in the form of scripture, prayers and inspired words on a variety of topics, providing an opportunity for passersby to contemplate spiritual themes for a moment as they go about their daily lives.  The Ministry strives to support the other ministries of the church in their missions.  Participation from the entire community inspires and sustains us.

St. Anne’s Grants Committee Additional Grant Support:

Every year the Vestry of St. Anne’s allocates money from the General Fund to be distributed as grants. The Grants Committee solicits, and reviews grant applications for up to $5000 from organizations and ministries that seek to build understanding, help those in need, and expand a message of love in the world. Preference is given to organizations meeting needs locally and with the involvement of St. Anne's parishioners. The Grants Committee then makes recommendations to the Vestry about how the funds should be distributed. For more information about grants, email

The 2025 grant application form is now available.  The grant application deadline is March 17, 2025.  To access the 2025 grant application form, click here.

Organizations/ministries awarded grants in 2024:
Annapolis Area Imagination Library<>
Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center <>
Anne Arundel Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)<>
Backpack Buddies<>
CHASE Home<>
CHERA (Community Health & Education for Rural Africa)<>
Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)<>
Maryland Hall Outreach Programs<>
Friends of the Stanton Center<>
Little Sisters Fund <>
Naomi's Village <>
Partners in Mission in Guatemala <>
Severna Park Womenade
St. Mary's Ecumenical Institute<>

In addition, the Grants Committee reviews applications from organizations that receive funding from trusts/designated funds.

Organizations/ministries funded from trusts/other designated funds in 2024:
St. Luke's Food Pantry <>

The Lighthouse Shelter <

 We’re called to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. The Outreach Committee seeks to help St. Anne’s members live into that call as individuals and as a community. To meet this goal, the Outreach Committee asks for your prayers to guide us and join us in our efforts to support those in need.