Outreach with St. Anne’s
Light House Outreach
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Annapolis Area Ministries, Inc. Board:
St. Anne’s initially began what is now known as the Light House Shelter in the early 1980s and served as the host church to many community individuals in need of shelter. Today, the Annapolis Area Ministries, Inc. (AAMI) Board provides oversight essential to operate a thriving shelter. AAMI is a non-profit inter-faith organization comprised of 13 member congregations and additional community members that serves people who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless in the Anne Arundel County area, working in conjunction with other agencies and area ministries of its member congregations. Elizabeth Kinney is the Executive Director of the Light House Shelter and Milford Marchant is our AAMI Board representative. Joyce Nay conducts a psychotherapy group for the Shelter guests and also facilitates fund-raising functions for the Light House Shelter. Friends of the Light House Shelter: The Friends of the Light House Shelter serve in a fund-raising capacity to help meet the financial needs essential to this ministry. Our St. Anne’s representative on the Friends Board is Carolyn Hauck.
Additional shelter support is provided by Nancy Greeley who facilitates stocking the shelter pantry during the month of September for food distribution to the nearby community and facilitates food preparation for shelter guests the first Wednesday of each month. Also, many St. Anne’s parishioners volunteer in support of these functions listed below:
Golfing tournament in June
Stocking the Pantry for the local community in September
Run for Shelter in mid-September
Pumpkin Patch and sale of pumpkins, baked goods and crafts in mid-October
Bountiful Harvest in early November, a dinner and dance with local merchants providing their restaurant’s specialties
Christmas ornament sale
Family Cooking for the Shelter
The Strang family facilitates family meal preparations for shelter guests the third Monday of each month. All helpers are welcome – adults, parents and children, and teens. They begin cooking at 4:00 p.m. in the Light House kitchen, join in prayer at 6:00 p.m., then serve all the shelter guests and sit down to a delicious dinner. If you’d like to check out the fun, stop by the kitchen at the Light House during the next preparation time. For more information, call Heather Strang at (410) 757-6893 (thestrangs@verizon.net).
Cooking Dinner for the Shelter
St. Anne’s parishioners prepare and serve the evening meal for the guests at the Light House Shelter the first Wednesday of every month. Nancy Greeley and John Merrick, of the Men’s Huddle, coordinate the preparations for the meal and arrange for parish volunteers to prepare the various menu items in their homes. The volunteers meet at the Lighthouse kitchen at 5:30 p.m. to set up. Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m. and is usually completed by 7:00 p.m. The volunteers eat with the guests. For additional information, contact Nancy Greeley at (410) 224-2975 or at momgreeley@aol.com.
Shelter Pantry Food Collection
Each of the churches that make up the Annapolis Area Ministries takes a month to supply the pantry at the Light House Shelter. St. Anne’s has the month of September. We collect food every Sunday in September and take it to the shelter. There is always a need for food. During months other than September there is always a need for food and donations can be made at the Light House at 10 Hudson Street. For information, contact Nancy Greeley at 410 224-2975 or at momgreeley@aol.com.