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Public Policy Advocacy

Our Deacon, Kathy Shahinian, is Maryland’s Diocesan Public Policy Advocate, providing outreach to the State of Maryland via the Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network (MEPPN).  Deacon Kathy and the Maryland Episcopal Public Policy Network (MEPPN) meet with state leaders and advocated for our legislative priorities throughout the legislative session. Read more here.  Follow MEPPN on Facebook or check out #EpiscopalAdvocacyMD on Twitter to learn more.


Why we must be advocates and activists, following in the call of John the Baptist, a homily by Jesse Milan. (8:36)


“Striving for Peace and Justice. Respecting the Dignity of Every Person.”

An interview with Deacon Kathy Shahinian, Diocesan Public Policy Advocate

How and when did you get started/involved in your work on Public Policy?

During the 1990’s I was the Legislative Director for a Maryland public employee union, representing employees/members during the legislative session with issues that addressed discrimination, wage equity, collective bargaining, workplace safety and other related initiatives before the General Assembly.

Why is this ministry important? What impact can it have or does it have?

I love what I do! The ministry of public policy is an exciting opportunity that permits our diocese to shape and influence critical societal issues. This is a ministry that functions not only during the 3 month legislative session but during the entire year. The Episcopal Church outlines priorities concerned with reconciliation, immigration, environment, healthcare and social justice (to name a few!) During the year we work with our state and local governments to improve the quality of people’s lives.

What makes this a particularly meaningful activity for you as a deacon? How does this connect to the Gospel mandate and your ordination vows to serve others?

Our Baptismal Covenant as well as our vows at ordination serve as a blueprint for our charge as deacons in how we are to follow and serve Christ. Our contract with God in the area of public policy is to strive for “peace and justice in the world” and “respect the dignity” of each and every person. Promoting legislation that improves the quality of life for people is what my ministry is all about.

How can others (lay and ordained) become involved?

Please call me at 443-253-6191 or email kathyshahinian@aol.com to become involved!!! We will be providing legislative training so you can use your gifts to research, write or present oral testimony. We will need help putting together the legislative committee/team and also the Episcopal Advocacy Day for next year. There is something for everyone.

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about Public Policy?

Being a deacon, besides being a mom, is by far the most life changing event in my life. Sometimes an earlier path that we have chosen in our lives finds a way to resurface later in life. I never expected to return to Annapolis to do public policy work in the late 1990’s but God had another plan. Please consider looking into the public policy ministry and help make a difference!