Grants Committe Update

June 30, 2022

Dear St. Anne's Episcopal Church:

Your charitable contribution of $ 5,350 to Community Health and Education for Rural Africa (CHERA) for this calendar year is gratefully acknowledged.

Your contribution helps talented local community leaders in the Kasese region of western Uganda educate vulnerable children and deliver basic life-saving care to mothers and newborns. They are working hard to protect families from easily preventable deaths, and to give children a chance to learn. Thank you for having the imagination to envision their work.

Once again, thank you for your friendship to the people of the Kasese region.

On behalf of CHERA,

Jim Ellison

Co-Chair, Board of Directors

Leslie Nicholson

Co-Chair, Board of Directors


Men’s Retreat


Back-to-School-Backpack Program-Save the Date!