St. Anne’s: Annual Meeting

Per the by-laws of St. Anne’s Parish, there shall be an Annual Meeting of the Voting Members of St. Anne’s Parish on Sunday, February 5, 2023, at 11:45 AM in the Parish Hall, 199 Duke of Gloucester, Annapolis, MD 21401. The election of the Vestry and other business of the Parish shall be transacted at the meeting. Members shall be welcomed at this meeting. A Voting Member of St. Anne’s Parish is defined in the by-laws as someone who is 16 years of age or older, has been a Member of St. Anne’s Parish for no less than six months prior to the day of voting (before August 6, 2022), whose baptism has been entered in the St. Anne's Parish Register, and who has for the past calendar year contributed to the stewardship campaign or is otherwise on the books of the Treasurer as a contributor.  To learn more about our candidates for Vestry, please click here; the list of candidates is provided below.  Absentee ballots may be provided to parishioners who:  

• Will be absent for any reason from his or her residence and from Anne Arundel County on the day of the Annual Meeting 

• Are full-time students whose academic requirements preclude the student from being present at the Annual Meeting, or 

• By reason of physical disability or confinement in or restriction to an institution or home, including the Member’s residence, will be prevented from being present at the Annual Meeting.  

Requests for absentee ballots must be made in writing stating the reason(s) for being unable to attend.  They must be emailed to no later than 4:00 PM on January 27.  

Candidates for Vestry: Kathryn Burke, Kevin Hays, Emily Langston, Thomas May, and Townsend McNitt. 

We welcome you to read the 2022 Annual Report by clicking here and the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes here.


Clergy Epistle


Adult Forum/Bible Challenge