Bishop Blesses Biblical Flower Quilt

Bishop Carrie Schofield Broadbent and Deacon Gail Tucker in front of the Bible Flower Quilt.

At the Women’s Weekend 2025, Bishop Carrie Schofield-Broadbent, the Bishop of Maryland blessed the Bible Flower Quilt at the Claggett Center.

Patricia Jennings, a St. Anne’s parishioner, gave a lecture and led a workshop on quilting at last year’s women’s weekend. This lecture was a testimony of her faith and quilt journey and how both come together with scripture. Workshop participants each made a block of biblical flowers. Patricia, a quilter since 1985, stitched these flower blocks together into a beautiful quilt that will be installed permanently at the Claggett Center.

This Bible Flower Quilt is a beautiful testament to God’s joyful blessings in the lives of these faithful and creative women.


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