Sending Out Disciples - Both Laity and Clergy
During this Easter season, St. Anne’s blog focuses on discipleship. According to the Episcopal Church’s glossary (, a disciple is a learner who follows a movement or teacher and helps to spread the master's teaching. Tie in our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s idea, and that makes all of us disciples in the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement! We – laity and clergy alike – learn and follow and spread the teachings of Jesus.
The bishop ordains us as deacons on Saturday 4 May, and St. Anne’s and the entire Diocese of Maryland send us out to serve in other parishes in the diocese, to serve all people in the name of Jesus Christ. As deacons, we do not “do” discipleship on behalf of the laity; rather, we lead the laity in living out discipleship in everyday life. All baptized Christians vow to strive for justice and peace and dignity among all people.
St. Anne’s sends people to other parishes, to far-away places like Kenya and Guatemala, and to close by places like the Stanton Community Center. Sometimes specific people are ordained or commissioned for certain roles, and equally important are all the daily interactions – caring for family members and neighbors, taking God’s love into the workplace and community, advocating for the common good. Every Sunday when we worship together, each and every one of us is sent out by the deacon who sends us forth in the name of Christ, to love and serve the Lord, into the world rejoicing in the power of the Spirit. St. Anne’s is a sending parish, and St. Anne’s sends all of us. May we all claim our discipleship and open ourselves to the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Gail & Chip Tucker