Choral Evensong for All Saints' Day
On Sunday, November 3, for the 5:30 service, St. Anne’s will offer a special Evensong as part of our observation of both All Saints Day and All Souls Day with a 50-60 member choir.
This year, we will also use this service to remember the people whose names, if known, would not resonate as famous historical figures or prominent local residents, but who built, maintained, and worshipped in the three buildings that have been St. Anne’s. Without them, we wouldn’t have had these buildings. We hope to remember and honor these unnamed people with this text that will appear on the plaque that will be installed on the front wall of the church:
“This is my body, given for you; do this in Remembrance of me. Luke 22:18
The Congregation of St. Anne’s Parish remembers and honors all those who have built, maintained, and worshipped in the three churches that have stood on this site: those who were free, those who were indentured, and those who were victims of the transatlantic slave trade.
St. Anne’s Parish est. 1692”
For this service the women of the choir will sing the "Preces and Responses" and the "Magnificat and Nunc dimittis" composed by Sarah MacDonald, the first woman to hold the Director of Music position at one of the famous Oxbridge chapels. The full Choir, joined by members of the Annapolis Chorale Chamber Chorus, will also sing three movements from American composer Dan Forrest’s “Requiem for the Living.”