Connect with God on Sunday Evenings at St. Anne’s 

Peaceful, candlelit, reflective, soft, prayerful, soulful, contemporary 

St. Anne’s worship at 5:30 p.m. is unlike anything you may have experienced in a traditional worship service. The episcopal liturgy grounds the worship service, but the vibe is restorative, prayerful, and peaceful. 

I recently attended the 5:30 p.m. worship to experience the service firsthand. I arrived to find a church lit by 2 candles on a small free-standing altar at the front of the church. The sunlight streaming in from West Street softly lit the Sanctuary. The soft sounds of electric guitar, bass, and piano, as well as Alec Green’s tenor voice and arrangements, set the prayerful mood.

This service is an immersive experience that helps bring peaceful balance to our hectic lives. The contemporary music invites you to listen and put your focus on worshiping God with your ears throughout the service. The soft lighting creates an atmosphere of reflection. The worship includes all the essential elements of lessons, prayers and a homily in a shortened service (~45 minutes) at 5:30 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon. 

If you are seeking peace after a busy weekend, this service is for you.
If you are seeking a closer connection to God, this service is for you.
If you are seeking a quiet, reflective vibe, this service is for you.
If you are seeking contemporary music in worship, this service is for you.

Join us on Sundays, 5:30 p.m. at St. Anne’s in Church Circle. 


October 20: Acolyte Commissioning


Meet God in a New Way: An Introduction to Centering Prayer