Elm Tree Removal on Thursday, November 21

Trees play a seminal role in the sustenance of life. In the Biblical imagery of creation, redemption, and renewal, trees are an integral part of the world's flourishing. However, trees also have a life span. On November 21, our beautiful elm tree located on the circle proximate to West Street will need to be cut down. For generations, this tree has been a source of shade, life, and beauty on our circle. However, given its ill health, the Vestry has consented to its removal. Indeed, it is a moment of profound grief for many of us. We offer our gratitude to God for the life of the beautiful elm tree as we say our goodbye, and we look forward to continuing the cycle of life by planting new trees. We give thanks and gratitude to Eric Groft,  Lisa Sherwood, and Dona Schein for their gift of the trees.


Notice of Special Services


Give Thanks at the Thanksgiving Day Eucharist at 10 a.m.