St. Anne's Episcopal Church

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SAVE THE DATE: October 12, Represent St. Anne’s at the National Acolyte Festival!

Calling all current and prospective acolytes, young and old! The National Acolyte Festival at the Washington National Cathedral will be at 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 12, and you are invited to join in the “Grandest of Processions!” Take part in this spectacular liturgy alongside hundreds of other acolytes from across the country. Prepurchased lunch is available with activities from a history of vergers class to kite and streamer making in the afternoon. You’ll even have a chance to add a brick to the LEGO® Cathedral currently under construction.

Sign-up to help represent St. Anne’s at this spectacular event will be in Realm. Registration fee is $10 per acolyte (child and adult). Processing Vergers and Clergy and any family or friends attending the service attend for free! A ride-sharing sign up will be included with registration if you are in need of transportation or are interested in providing it. Parking is free!