St. Anne’s Ministry Blog: Spirit Filled Good News Here! 

St. Anne’s is blessed with many ministries that are fueled by the love and passion of our parishioners. Each person who serves in these ministries has a story about why they serve and what this faithful work means to them. Each person who is served by these ministries has a story to tell about how St. Anne’s ministries has touched their lives and their spiritual journeys. What is your story? We build community by sharing our stories and through our stories, we connect with one another to build the kingdom of God. What is your ministry story? Are you willing to share it? We are looking to share these ministry stories on the St. Anne’s Ministry blog. Able to write your own story? We recommend writing 2-3 paragraphs but can be flexible on the length. Willing to share your story but need help with writing? Our communications team can help. Email Claire Miller, Communications Associate, at if you have a story to share on the St. Anne’s Ministry Blog. 

This summer, St. Anne’s featured stories from our ministry leaders and the ways that their respective ministries speak to their hearts. Need some spirit filled good news? Read the reflections of St. Anne’s ministry leaders on the St. Anne’s Ministry blog at 


Light House Pantry Collection 2024, in October


Celebrating the Ministry of The Rev. Dr. Olivia Hilton on Sept. 22 at 10 a.m.