St. Anne’s Partners in Mission in Gautemala

In 2024, a grant was awarded to St. Anne’s Partners in Mission Guatemala.  The water infrastructure project this grant supports aims to improve access to clean and reliable water sources in rural villages in Guatemala.  The first major activity funded by the grant was conducting a village census in Chujulimul Primero, Guatemala.  The grant also supported travel for project staff to Guatemala to meet with local authorities, community leaders, and potential partners.  With support from local engineers and the Water Committee, site surveys were conducted to assess the feasibility of various water source options.  The final activity supported by the grant was the development of initial project plans.  For more information on Partners in Mission Guatemala, contact Kev Hays at

The Grants Committee hosted organizations that received funding in 2024 at Adult Forums this past November.  A third meeting highlighting St. Anne’s Partners in Mission Guatemala as well as Naomi's Village will be held at an Adult Forum on Sunday, February 9, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. at the Parish House.  All are welcome to attend.  


Eucharistic Visitor Ministry Training - Feb 8


Shoemaker Speaker Series - Feb 1 at 2 p.m.