Strategic Planning Committee
Dear Parishioner:
The Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) is pleased to announce that Phase 1 of a Strategic Planning process seeks your help to understand how St. Anne’s is doing with our mission of building, engaging, evangelizing and forming disciples of Jesus. The Vestry created and charged the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) at its August 13, 2024 meeting. The SPC members selected by the Vestry are: Bob Biddle, Chairperson, Steve Esmacher, Paige Ferguson, Leigh Fleckenstein, Molly Green, Will Knight, Kristin Pagent, Caroline Purdy, and Tad Wood.
Your participation in the SPC’s information gathering will help chart St. Anne’s future, building on it’s more than 300 years of history and it’s present position in the diocese and the community. The SPC is charged by the Vestry with addressing questions fundamental to our lives as Episcopalians and members of St. Annes, including the following.
What activities, ministries, and programs does our Parish do well, and what could we do better?
In what activities do we as a Parish experience the joy of the Holy Spirit? What activities energize and engage the Parish?
How is St. Anne’s having an impact on our broader community?
Guided by prayer and the Holy Spirit, the SPC will ask you to imagine what St. Anne’s could be as the Parish lives into God’s call together over the next five years.
In Phase 1, the SPC will report to the Vestry on the needs and aspirations of St. Anne’s parishioners. Parishioners will be contacted by phone or email to participate in this important survey. YOUR PARTICIPATION AND ASSISTANCE WHEN YOU ARE CONTACTED IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE SPC’S WORK! At the end of Phase 1 this year, the SPC will be providing the Vestry with a written report. Learn more at
“In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”
Please prayerfully consider participating in this important work to help St. Anne’s. We ask for your help to keep an open mind to where the Holy Spirit leads.
Robert Biddle, SPC Chair,, 4105705962