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The Parish Circle

The Parish Circle Lent and Eastertide Newsletter is here!
The Parish Circle Lent & Eastertide Newsletter is now available at the back of the church. Read the article about the releasing of burdens (March 4), pick 2-3 Lenten resolves to fast specific thoughts, and feast on the spirit.

The Parish Circle Newsletter - Lent and Eastertide
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The next edition will cover Lent and Eastertide. Submissions are due in February!

The Parish Circle Newsletter - Lent and Eastertide
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The next edition will cover Lent and Eastertide. Submissions are due in February!

The Parish Circle Newsletter - Lent and Eastertide
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The next edition will cover Lent and Eastertide. Submissions are due in February!

The Parish Circle Newsletter - Lent and Eastertide
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The next edition will cover Lent and Eastertide. Submissions are due in February!

The Parish Circle Newsletter - Lent and Eastertide
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The next edition will cover Lent and Eastertide. Submissions are due in February!

The Parish Circle Newsletter for Advent is Here!
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The Advent Tide newsletter is now available in the back of the church.

The Parish Circle Newsletter for Advent is Here!
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The Advent Tide newsletter is now available in the back of the church.

The Parish Circle Newsletter for Advent is Here!
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The Advent Tide newsletter is now available in the back of the church.

The Parish Circle Newsletter for Advent is Here!
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The Advent Tide newsletter is now available in the back of the church.

The Parish Circle Newsletter for Advent is Here!
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The Advent Tide newsletter is now available in the back of the church.

The Parish Circle Newsletter for Advent is Here!
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The Advent Tide newsletter is available in the back of the church beginning Sunday, November 24.

The Parish Circle Newsletter
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The theme for the Advent/Christmas newsletter is Prayer.

The Parish Circle Newsletter
The Parish Circle is St. Anne’s newsletter that highlights selected ministries and events during each liturgical season. The theme for the Advent/Christmas newsletter is Prayer.
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