St. Anne’s News & Insights
Calendar of Events
Weekly News
The Parish Circle

SAVE THE DATE: October 12, Represent St. Anne’s at the National Acolyte Festival!
Calling all current and prospective acolytes, young and old! You are invited to join in the “Grandest of Processions!”

October 20: Acolyte Commissioning
Please join us at the 10 a.m. service for a special liturgy commissioning our parish's acolytes! All acolytes are invited to come at 9:15 a.m. to vest and process.

Join Our Parish House Team as a Volunteer Receptionist
St. Anne's is blessed to have volunteer receptionists in the Parish House to support our mission...

Join us for Family Church on September 15 at 9 a.m.
Our first Family Church Service will be on September 15 from 9-9:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall...

St. Anne's Fall Picnic 2024 – September 8
St Anne’s will be sponsoring a fall picnic in the church courtyard for food and fellowship on Sunday, September 8th after the 10 a.m. service.

Crafting a Rule of Life Fully Registered
The online class hosted by The Rev. Dr. Manoj Mathew Zacharia will begin on Wednesday, September 11 at 7 p.m.

Social Justice Day
September 14, 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., St. Anne's, Annapolis. We will gather to worship, reflect on the Gospel imperatives as they relate to our activity in the public arena…

St. Anne’s Program Year Kick-Off on Sunday September 15
Join St. Anne’s on Sunday, September 15 as we begin a new program year.

Fall Adult Forum: Faith in the Public Square
With the national election on the horizon, this fall’s Adult Forum begins with a six-week series exploring the intersection between faith and civic responsibility.

St. Anne’s Ministry Blog: Spirit Filled Good News Here!
This summer, St. Anne’s featured stories from our ministry leaders and the ways that their respective ministries speak to their hearts. Read more...

SAVE THE DATE: October 12, Represent St. Anne’s at the National Acolyte Festival!
Calling all current and prospective acolytes, young and old! You are invited to join in the “Grandest of Processions!”

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