Volunteer to be a Worship Service Participant with St. Anne’s

Step into the Circle & Volunteer


Acolytes, Ushers, the Altar Guild, Lectors, Prayer Leaders, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are all invaluable to our church services and community. To learn more about any of these volunteer positions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator by emailing volunteer@stannes-annapolis.org. Parishioners who have had prior experience as a St. Anne’s worship service volunteer can sign up HERE.



Acolytes perform ceremonial duties before and during services. They take part in the procession, carry the candles, cross, or banners, help with the collection and assist the clergy with setting the altar for Communion. All ages, from children to adults, are welcome to be trained to serve. Duties are assigned according to age and ability and members generally serve monthly.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild cares for the vessels, hangings, linens, candles, and furnishings that grace our Altars during services. They prepare the Altar and arrange sacred objects for worship and special occasions. Some Altar Guild members create the lovely floral arrangements displayed in our church. Experienced Guild members are happy to train new members who usually serve once each month.


Ushers help make everyone feel welcome. They hand out worship bulletins and assist people with special needs, pass the plates to collect the offering, bring them forward with the sacraments of bread and wine to the altar, and direct communicants for Holy Communion. As the first contact for visitors and members, our ushers provide a warm welcome, answer questions, and encourage everyone to return.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers have met the licensing requirements of the Diocese of Maryland and are authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist. They may also assist with the setting of the Altar for Communion or carry a torch, cross, or banner in the procession.