Volunteer to be a Worship Service Participant with St. Anne’s
Step into the Circle & Volunteer
Acolytes, Ushers, the Altar Guild, Lectors, Prayer Leaders, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are all invaluable to our church services and community. To learn more about any of these volunteer positions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator by emailing volunteer@stannes-annapolis.org. Parishioners who have had prior experience as a St. Anne’s worship service volunteer can sign up HERE.
Acolytes perform ceremonial duties before and during services. They take part in the procession, carry the candles, cross, or banners, help with the collection and assist the clergy with setting the altar for Communion. All ages, from children to adults, are welcome to be trained to serve. Duties are assigned according to age and ability and members generally serve monthly.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers have met the licensing requirements of the Diocese of Maryland and are authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist. They may also assist with the setting of the Altar for Communion or carry a torch, cross, or banner in the procession.
Ushers help make everyone feel welcome. They hand out worship bulletins and assist people with special needs, pass the plates to collect the offering, bring them forward with the sacraments of bread and wine to the altar, and direct communicants for Holy Communion. As the first contact for visitors and members, our ushers provide a warm welcome, answer questions, and encourage everyone to return.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild cares for the vessels, hangings, linens, candles, and furnishings that grace our Altars during services. They prepare the Altar and arrange sacred objects for worship and special occasions. Some Altar Guild members create the lovely floral arrangements displayed in our church. Experienced Guild members are happy to train new members who usually serve once each month.
Why Ushers are Significant
Ushers have had a very significant role in the Church from its beginning. They were called “gatekeepers” in the Old Testament and, in fact, in recognition of their importance in the Temple, were given living quarters there, which made their duties of opening, protecting and guarding the Temple much easier. In the early Church ushers helped to welcome people and make worship go smoothly.
Two thousand years later, ushers’ duties, although modified somewhat over time, continue to be a vital part of our worship. Ushers remain in charge of the church building during the service. They prepare the church for the service; they meet, greet (and seat if appropriate) the congregants; and they ensure that the service can be conducted in an uninterrupted and meaningful manner.
Without question, ushering is an important and vital ministry. Our usher teams always need new members, and we invite you to join.
• smile and greet congregants
• hand out bulletins
• prepare the sanctuary for the next service
• direct congregants to seats
• present elements
• be committed to your ushering commitment
• pitch in where needed
• coordinate communion traffic
• take collection
Join the Ministry of the Altar Guild
The ministry of the Altar Guild is the care and adornment of the Sanctuary and includes many choices to serve. These include:
• Preparing the Altar for the Holy Eucharist and the cleansing of the sacred vessels afterward
• Arrangement of flowers
• Assisting with weddings, funerals and baptisms
• Care of candles
• Polishing the silver and brass items
• Care of linens
• Plus an occasional “house cleaning”
The Sunday and weekday services plus the flower arrangements are done by members assigned to one of four teams. Each team serves for one week on a rotating basis. Different members of those teams set up for the service of their preference (or arrange the flowers) on the week designated for the team. This involves approximately one hour per week. We also have a dedicated team that serves at the 5:30 PM Saturday Mass. Members of this team rotate on a weekly basis. We provide training, and we have a manual which may be viewed and/or downloaded below.
The Altar Guild is administered by a chair person, and each team has a team leader. In addition to the five teams mentioned above, there is a team leader for flowers, candles, brass cleaning and linens. There is also a team leader for the Special Services Team who coordinates weddings, baptisms and funerals.
We hold at least one meeting per year which is both a social gathering and a business meeting.
Serving this ministry is truly rewarding, and we welcome new members.