St. Anne's Episcopal Church

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Foyer Fellowship

2024-25 Foyer Coordinators: Katy Jensen, Nancy Curro, Patricia Jennings, and Stan Ward.

Foyer Fellowship

When I moved back to Annapolis a few years ago, I knew I wanted to get reacquainted with my childhood church--St. Anne's--but I wasn't really certain what value I could offer. Thankfully, Carol Richards suggested that I join the St. Anne's Foyer Fellowship, and I am so glad she did! 

The Foyer Fellowship is a great way to promote community among all parishioners--newcomers and long-standing members alike--in small-group settings. We assign groups of 6-8 people who typically take turns hosting a monthly communal meal, although the details of each gathering are flexible and up to the group. The goal is to facilitate an informal exchange of ideas, experiences, and questions regarding parish life and other areas of interest. 

Some of the people I have met through the Foyer Fellowship have become such close friends that we continue to meet outside of church, helping each other navigate life's complexities, and celebrating successes along the way.

As we begin planning for the 2024-2025 Foyer season, we would like to thank the following group leaders for their enthusiastic coordination of last year's activities:  Linda and Bill Silva, Fran and Maureen Wright, Jo Tetlow, Linda and Wayne Adamson, Eleanor and David Huggins, Charmaine D'Souza, Jeanne and Bill Malicki, Judy and Bob Olson, Betty and Mike Creighton, Carol Weichert, and Ellen Wakefield.

Coordinators for the overall fellowship include Patricia Jennings, Katy Jensen, Stan Ward, and Nancy Curro, who is joining us this year as Linda Adamson retires from this particular post. Thank you, Nancy, for volunteering; and thank you, Linda, for your years of thoughtful guidance.

Won't you consider joining us, as a member or a group leader? We would love to hear from you.

Katy Jensen, Foyer Coordinator