St. Anne's Episcopal Church

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Light House Pantry Collection 2024, in October

Light House Pantry Collection 2024, in October

Every fall since the 1990s, with the exception of 2023, St. Anne’s has collected food for the pantry at the Light House. We will be collecting in October this year.  Bags will be available at church during October.  Each bag will have an outreach logo and a list of the most needed items. Bring your filed bags back to church any Sunday or take them directly to the shelter on Hudson Street. If you prefer to make a monetary donation, make a check out to St. Anne’s and mark on it “for the Light House pantry”. 

The food is not for the residents of the shelter but for our fellow citizens here in Annapolis who have homes but lack the means to purchase food. Anyone may go to the shelter, fill out a form to select needed food from a list and receive the help they need.